Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Something to think about. . . .

''Trusting God in the face of disappointment is the ultimate test of faith!'' (Shannon Kubiak) It seems like a no brainer, and unless you are seriously facing disappointment its easy to say that its not really big of a test of faith becasue you know the truth and the truth is God is good. When I read that today it seriously made me think about the times in my life I have been disappointed and not happy with what God was doing and to no suprise I had no faith. Its hard to trust God especially if you are disappointed in Him, and honestly I dont really know how you would go about trusting God if you were disappointed in Him. The definition of disappointment is a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized ( the lazy way!) Thats an interesting way of thinking about it becasue if you are disappointed in God then you are unhappy at the fact that God has not realized your expectations.

Now onto expectations, those are a killer and will let you down everytime. So really if you think about it, the only reason we ever get disappointed is becasue we choose to have expectations. Yikes...I dont like where this is going!

So I thought about it for a bit and then moved onto a quote in the book by Elizabeth Elliot that says ''Trust the man who died for you.'' Thats a great quote and its very true. Why wouldnt you beable to trust someone willing to lay their life on the line for you...

just something stuff I am thinking on...I am going to stop now because I am giving myself a headache!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Very intense stuff there Keeks, and I have never thought of the whole expectations thing that way ... thanks for opening my mind to another wonder of having a relationship with God.