Monday, April 28, 2008

Love Rantings.

I shared a word with my house church on Sunday that God has really laid heavy on my heart. It is something that is so obvious, but yet something that God is growing so deep inside me and I learn more about everyday. Its about love, and who we are in Christ, and who the church is in Christ. Every time I think I have a handle on it, God keeps taking it deeper and rooting me even more in this foundational truth.

Love is God and God is love. Everything is perfect in love. Love conquers all fear and death. It never fails. It has the victory.

1 Corinthians 13 (These three remain, faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love)
Song of Songs (Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it).
Ephesians 3:17 (May your roots go down deep in His love).
1 John
etc. etc. etc.

The scripture list goes on and on. Over and over again it speaks of God's love and that it is the greatest command, the greatest emotion, the victory that we are looking for. It is such a simple message, but so hard to grasp. We as Christians run day in and day out perfecting ministry, looking for a black and white answer of what the church is suppose to look like and what we are suppose to look like. We want a formula and more religious rhetoric to tell us exactly how to live our lives in order to go to heaven. But we are missing the point.

God has NOT put us into a religious box. We have put ourselves there because of fear. Our fear to do something so radical that it challenges everything that religion is made of, and everything that this world sees as normal. It is love. Love knows no religion, it knows no barriers. It does not have a set formula. I honestly think that if we can get our priorities straight and really start walking in love (myself in included here!!) and learning that this is who God is and really what He is about, then there will not be so much pressure to conform and preform anymore.

We are more than conquerors. All we need is love.