Friday, February 24, 2006


Wow, what a weird morning! I decided that it would be a good idea at the last minute to take a taxi to the post office and pick up the parcel my daddy sent me becasue I wasnt home yesterday when they tried to deliver it! It cost me 15 euro to get to the post office and then down to work- traffic was insane! So that sicked me out, but the package from my daddy was so cute! He sent me all the stuff I miss from Canada, including my beloved blue and yellow sweater that I cant believe I forgot in the first place!

So I got to work to recieve a phone call from Joanne the lady from the recruitment agency that sends me out temping- and it turns out that this week may be my only week at Crosscare becasue the lady I am filling in for might be coming back Monday. So that really sucks because I love working here. But I trust that God is removing me for a reason and that He will find me something better sutied as it is kind of hard to get too everyday!

So yeah despite the fact that its just a normal friday with crap going on, I am still stoked and in a really good mood for no reason!

Jen and I are going to try and go and see some irish country side next weekend- hopefully we can get that all worked out becasue it would be amazing just to take off for a weekend and relax! If we cant get to the irish country side maybe will just sit and relax on the street outside our house, hahaha!

Anyways, I am pretty much done rambling for now, I will leave you with one last bit of exciting new........I have decided to take up ''FENCING''

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